Lead Management Module is in Public Beta now. It is possible to receive leads from Affiliates and send them to Advertisers. Please contact support if you would like to try it.
Smart Link feature. It allows to provide the affiliates just one link for many offers. It automatically selects the most profitable offer based on user Geo, Device, OS, Connection and Language.
New Limited Advertiser Manager role. Will be able to see only Advertisers related information and can manage Offers from his Advertisers only.
Mass sending Emails to Affiliates. Outbound - Announcements section, add Announcement with Send Email Notificationoption enabled.
New conversions status: Trash. Used for test and incorrect conversions.
5 new languages for Affiliate interface: German, French, Italian, Polish, Turkish.
Added Date Modified for conversions
Default Date Range can be selected in Settings - Branding section.
Validations for incoming leads (Leads Management Module): duplicate, format, reg exp.
Support of external SMTPservers for both sending Notifications and Announcements.
Unsubscribe function improved. Now it is possible to unsubscribe separately from system notifications or marketing emails.
Ability to enable API by default for new signed affiliates (Settings - Affiliates - Sign Up).
Ability to add links to Offer description.
New option for Limited Affiliate Manager do not display Revenue and Profit
Ability to manage affiliates for private offers for Limited Affiliate Manager.
Languages selection is now displayed at the top panel for Affiliate Access. Language detection and automatic selection is improved.
In Reports and Transactions during Columns selection click on group checks or unchecks all options for that group.
New Connection Lost page when the application can not receive a reply from server.
Custom Referral URL can be set if client uses Affiliate Sign Up page on his server.
Small UI styles improvements.
Bug Fixes
Dropdown fixes when for some situations deleted items displayed or some items were duplicated.
Limited Affiliate Manager fixes when some elements are not displayed (pagination issue).
Sign Up form fields fixes for Contacts field.
Reports - Date/Time breakdows fixes and improvements
Reports - Device Model breakdown and filters fixes
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