2.0.30 (June - July 2021)
- Totally new ultimate Affiliate Billing:
- Affiliate Billing > Affiliates - gives you clear overview of affiliates billing information and balances
- Affiliate Billing > Invoices - ability to generate a detailed Invoice with breakdown by offers
- Manual or Automatic Invoices generation for one or multiple affiliates
- Download Invoice in PDF format
- Reports, Transactions - new columns, filters and breakdowns: Affiliate Invoice, Paid/Unpaid Status
- New Billing page for Affiliate Access
- Lead Management Module improvements and new features:
- Leads Fields in Transactions > Conversions
- Option to use Offer ID instead of Goal ID for leads sending
- Delivery Status (checking an existence of a successful keyword)
- Deliver Again feature
- Export all leads for period or selected leads
- Edit Leads information
- New fields: Notes (visible to Affiliates), Internal Information (visible to Admin and Managers only)
- Duplicate validation improvements (ignore special characters for phone numbers)
- Filters Affiliate, Offers in Logs
- Email Attribution method support
- Stripe Integration with support of recurring payments
- Affiliate Details page is redesigned and improved significantly
- Left panel now displays more important information
- Postbacks, Domains, Referrals were moved to the right panel and display more information
- New Trends widget (Volumes, Financials, Top Offers, Balances)
- Significant Reports Speed Improvements. Especially for high numbers (more than 1 million records)
- Small UI styles improvements.
Bug Fixes
- Sorting options for Reports, Logs
- API per page settings fixed
- Goal Removal fixes (goal alias, default goal)
- Payment Method - Debit Card icon fixed
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