Advertiser Security Token for Postback

Advertiser Security Token is a feature that authenticates every conversion with a token string and prevents fraud from Affiliates in your Network. 

How to activate the Advertiser Security Token?

To activate the Security Token, go to Settings > Security and enable the Advertiser Security Token for Postback toggle switch. Don't forget to click the Save button, to save changes. 

Note: when this feature is enabled in Settings, it's not automatically enabled for all Advertisers (you need to configure it on the Advertiser Edit Page), but for new Advertisers, this feature will be enabled immediately.

To manage this feature individually for each Advertiser, go to the Advertiser Edit Page. You can find it at the bottom of the form under the Security section.

There is also an option to generate a new token, the previous token will then become invalid.

Displaying the Advertiser Token in an Offer

When the Advertiser Security Token for Postback = ON is set in the System Settings, the token parameter will be added to both the Global Postback and Postback pop-up windows in the Goals section.

Also, the Tracking Settings widget displays the Require Security Token parameter, which will indicate whether this feature is enabled for the Advertiser of this Offer.

Note: This functionality cannot be managed on the Offer Page, only on the Advertiser Page.

How Does It Work?

If Required Security Token = ON is set for the Advertiser, then the accuracy of the token is checked in the Postback. If the token is missing or incorrect, the conversion is not recorded and you'll see the following error on the Advertiser's Postbacks:  Fail: Incorrect Advertiser Security Token

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