Roles & Permissions

The Roles and Permissions section is designed for a flexible definition of setting access privileges for various sections and elements of the system.

You can create new custom roles or edit default roles to assign appropriate permissions to your team members.

Note: Custom roles are available only on the Enterprise plan and above.

To manage your roles, go to Settings > Roles and Permissions. Here you will find 5 default roles already on the platform.

Default roles:

  • Administrator
  • Manager
  • Affiliate Manager
  • Advertiser Manager
  • Financial Manager

Default roles cannot be deleted, nor can the Role Type be changed. However, apart from the Administrator role, you can easily edit the permissions for these roles.

For Administrator, you can only change the name of the role.

To edit the default role, there is a button on the right side for the role. Clicking it will open the form for editing the role.

Custom roles

Both custom roles and default roles are created based on 'base roles'.

What is a base role?

Base roles are role types with already pre-defined permissions, which determine the individuals they work with.

The base roles are: 

  • Manager
  • Affiliate Manager
  • Advertiser Manager

The Manager manages both affiliates and advertisers-related information. Does not have access to the settings.

Affiliate Manager manages affiliates, including all the related information.

Advertiser Manager manages advertisers, their offers, and all the related information.

When creating a role, select the base role from the Role Type drop-down list.

Create a new custom role

To create a new custom role, go to Settings > Roles and Permissions and click on ‘Add Custom Role’.

Enter a title and select Role Type from the drop-down list. As mentioned earlier, the Role Type refers to the type of role (base role) upon which the new role will be built.

After selecting a Role Type, you will see a set of permissions you can edit for every particular role type.

The list of permissions is divided into sections to help you find a set of permissions that suit your needs best.

The User Visibility section has 2 parameters: All Users and Assigned Users Only.

It is worth noting that you can only change User Visibility for Affiliate Manager and Advertiser Manager Role Type. The Manager Role Type is always set to User Visibility: All Users.


For Affiliate Manager, visibility only applies to affiliates:

  • All Users: sees ALL affiliates, ALL advertisers and their offers (if such permissions are enabled)
  • Assigned Users Only: sees only affiliates ASSIGNED to him, and ALL advertisers and their offers (if such permissions are enabled)

For the Advertiser Manager, visibility only applies to advertisers and to the offers of these ads:

  • All Users: sees ALL advertisers and their offers, and also sees ALL affiliates (if such permissions are enabled)
  • Assigned Users Only: sees only advertisers ASSIGNED to him and only their offers, as well as ALL affiliates (if such permissions are enabled).

In addition to user visibility for a role, you can also control access to revenue, payouts, sales amounts, or a specific conversion status.

You can also manage access to Offers, Affiliates, Advertisers, Affiliate Billing, Reports, and more.

After configuring the role, click Save.

Editing or deleting a custom role

To edit a custom role, you must click on the button next to the right side of the role, just as you would for default roles. In the opened window, you can change the title of the role as well as the selected permissions.

To delete a custom role, just scroll down through the edit form to find the Delete button.

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