Branch (Mobile)

If you do not have a partner account please go through the process of creating one here: Here is the answers for some questions:


Apply to become a Branch partner (new partners)


Enter company info and attach logo.


Enter your contact details

Mutual Clients: just enter some clients if you plan to integrate them via Branch
Partner type: Universal Ads Partner (DSP, Ad Network, Agency, Publisher)
Universal Ads Partner details
  • Company type: Affiliate Network
  • Supported Ad Campaign types: Acquisition campaigns
  • Supported Attribution types: Click-Through Attribution, View-Through Attribution
  • Pricing Model: CPI, CPC, CPA, CPV, CPL
  • Supported Ad Inventory type: Web inventory, In-App Inventory
  • Supported mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Amazon, Windows
  • Do you support Client side click or Server side click: Client side click (click info will be sent from client's device), Server side click (click info will be sent from partner's server)
  • Do you wrap links with your own tracking? Yes
ROI Calculation. Can you provide Cost data? No
Tracking link details
  • Do you want to setup a tracking links and macros: Yes
  • Can you provide a link to online documentation: Yes
  • Link to online documentation:
  • Please provide the list of your link Macros {click_id} - Click ID (mandatory)
    {offer_id} - Offer’s ID
    {affiliate_id} - ID of Affiliate promoting the offer.
    {sub_id1} - Affiliate Sub ID 1 specified in the tracking link.
    {sub_id2} - Affiliate Sub ID 2 specified in the tracking link.
    {sub_id3} - Affiliate Sub ID 3 specified in the tracking link.
    {sub_id4} - Affiliate Sub ID 4 specified in the tracking link.
    {sub_id5} - Affiliate Sub ID 5 specified in the tracking link.
    {aff_param1} - Affiliate additional parameter 1 specified in the tracking link.
    {aff_param2} - Affiliate additional parameter 2 specified in the tracking link.
    {aff_param3} - Affiliate additional parameter 3 specified in the tracking link.
    {aff_param4} - Affiliate additional parameter 4 specified in the tracking link.
    {aff_param5} - Affiliate additional parameter 5 specified in the tracking link.
    {source_id} - Affiliate Source ID specified in the tracking link.
    {link_id} - Offer additional link specified in the tracking link.
    {creative_id} - Offer Creative ID used.
    {offer_name} - Offer’s name in platform.
    {idfa} - Apple IDFA.
    {gaid} - Google Android Advertising Identifier (GAID).
Postbacks and Macros details
  • Do you want to receive Postbacks for attributed events: Yes
  • Can you provide a link to online documentation: Yes
  • Link to online documentation:
  • What type of HTTP postbacks do you support: GET
  • Conversion Postback https://[YOUR_TRACKING_DOMAIN]/track/goal-by-click-id?click_id={click_id}&idfa={idfa}&gaid={aaid}&adv_track_id={os}{os_version}_app{app_version}&adv_param1={event_name}
  • Post-Conversion/Custom Postback: https://[YOUR_TRACKING_DOMAIN]/track/goal-by-click-id?click_id={click_id}&goal_id={goal_id}&amount={amount}&idfa={idfa}&gaid={aaid}&adv_track_id={os}{os_version}_app{app_version}&adv_param1={event_name}
  • Postback Parameters: {click_id} - Click ID from Ad partner
    {goal_id} - Goal ID from Ad partner (need to be linked with app events in Branch)
    {amount} - Event amount, for example in-app purchase amount, in predefined currency
    {event_name} - Event name
    {idfa} - Apple IDFA
    {aaid} - Google Android ID
    {os} - OS
    {os_version} - OS version
    {app_version} - App Version
  • Additional information about Events/Postbacks: We need the ability to link Branch Events with our platform Goals IDs
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