Conversions Bulk Upload via CSV

It is possible to upload new conversions and edit existing conversions in bulk via a CSV file. If you wish to update or create a large number of conversions at once, this option will save you a lot of time.

This article will guide you through acceptable input files and the actions you can take in bulk, such as creating conversions by transaction ID, modifying existing conversions, or even creating conversions without transaction IDs.

Prepare the CSV file

We have 4 possible templates, and by choosing the most suitable option, you can easily upload your data:

How to fill in the file correctly?

Each of the templates has its own required fields without which your data will not be added.

In the table below you will see information about required fields, as well as some rules for filling in the parameters.


✔️ Fields Required in the CSV.

✖️ Fields are not used.

Column Title Insert conversions without clicks Insert conversions by Click ID Update conversions by Click ID Update conversions by Transaction ID
transaction_id ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✔️
click_id ✖️ ✔️ ✔️ ✖️
affiliate_id ✔️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
goal_id ✔️ Optional (Default: Default Goal) Optional (Default: Default Goal) ✖️
conv_status Optional (Default: Goal Settings) Optional (Default: Goal Settings) Optional Optional
date Optional (Default: Today 12:00 UTC) Optional (Default: Today 12:00 UTC) ✖️ ✖️
revenue Optional (Default: Goal Settings + Custom Parameters) Optional (Default: Goal Settings + Custom Parameters) Optional Optional 
payout Optional (Default: Goal Settings + Custom Parameters) Optional (Default: Goal Settings + Custom Parameters) Optional Optional
adv_track_id Optional Optional Optional Optional
adv_order_id Optional Optional Optional Optional
adv_user_id Optional Optional Optional Optional
amount Optional (Default: 0) Optional (Default: 0) Optional Optional
adv_param1 Optional Optional Optional Optional
adv_param2 Optional Optional Optional Optional
adv_param3 Optional Optional Optional Optional
adv_param4 Optional Optional Optional Optional
adv_param5 Optional Optional Optional Optional
ip Optional Optional Optional Optional
idfa Optional Optional Optional Optional
gaid Optional Optional Optional Optional
public_notes Optional Optional Optional Optional
private_notes Optional (Default: Imported from CSV) Optional (Default: Imported from CSV) Optional (Default: Imported from CSV) Optional (Default: Imported from CSV)

Some parameters have possible values and if you enter incorrect values, this parameter will be ignored or the whole data from the file will not be added.

Column Title Supported values
conv_status approved | pending | rejected | trash
date Date format should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2021-01-01 12:30:30
revenue, payout, amount Integral or fractional number, e.g. 7.50. 
Note: Notation of a fractional number is allowed only through a dot. Any other symbol (e.g. comma) would not go through.

Note: We recommend removing unused columns from the CSV file.

Upload the CSV File

There are 2 ways to upload the file:

  • Transactions > Conversions > Import > Insert Conversions via CSV
  • Transactions > Adjustments > Add Adjustments > Insert Conversions via CSV

Note: There you can find and download the templates that will help you fill in the file.

If the file was created correctly, you will see the Completed status and in the Records Affected field. There you will also see the number of created or updated conversions.

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