Gaming Reports


To work with Gaming Metrics on the Dashboard and in Reports, you need to specify Gaming Goals:

  • Registration (REG)
  • Deposit CPA (DEP CPA)
  • DEP RevShare (DEP RevShare)

Gaming Dashboard

It is possible to add Gaming metrics to the Dashboard. To do this, go to Settings > Teammate Portal > Dashboard.

For Affiliate's Dashboard configurations, go to  Settings > Affiliate Portal > Dashboard.

This is how the Gaming Metrics look like on the Dashboard:

  • Registrations - The number of registrations (Conversions with goal type REG)
  • Deposits - The number of deposits (Conversions with goal types DEP CPA + DEP RevShare)
  • CR to Reg - Registrations to clicks ratio, displayed in percentage.
  • CR to Dep - Deposits to clicks ratio, displayed in percentage.
  • CR Reg to Dep - Deposits to registration ratio, displayed in percentage.

Gaming Reports

Go to Settings > Teammate Portal > Reports to set up Gaming Reports. To set up the Affiliate's Reports, go to Settings > Affiliate Portal > Reports

You can select one of the most relevant report types to display, or select both.

Important: if both types of reports are unchecked, the Reports menu item will not be displayed.

This is what the reports page looks like with both types selected:

It is possible to quickly switch between reports, which is very convenient. But it is also possible to select only one of the reports (General or Gaming), then the one desired report is displayed.

  • Registrations - The number of registrations (Conversions with goal type REG)
  • Deposits - The number of deposits (Conversions with goal types DEP CPA + DEP RevShare)
  • Deposit Status - The number of DEP conversions by Status (Approved, Pending, Rejected, Trash).
  • Finances - Revenue, Payout and Profit separately for DEP CPA and DEP RevShare. 

Note:  The Revenue, Payout, and Profit in Gaming Reports are shown only from Approved Registrations and Deposits.

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