3.0 (July 2022)


  • Roles & Permissions advanced functionalities:
    • A new section Settings > Roles and Permissions where it is possible to create a custom role or update the existing roles. 
    • Dozens of different rules and permissions for flexible access control to various features and metrics.
    • Improved section Teammates (moved from Team > Managers to Settings > Teammates).  New columns with more information have been added.
  • Improved Smart Links:
    • New Weight-Based traffic distribution option
    • New Priority-Based traffic distribution option
    • Improved Highest EPC distribution (Affiliate EPC calculation; small amount of traffic is sent to different offers to check if EPC is changed) 
  • New settings for Affiliate access (Settings > Affiliate)
    • Able to see Pending conversions
    • Able to see Rejected conversions
    • Able to see Trash conversions.
    • Able to see the Sale Amount  (moved from the Offer tracking page).
  • Transactions - the User Agent column has been added to Conversions, Clicks, and Invalid Clicks.
  • Affiliate Billing actions are now logged into the Activity Log.
  • Affiliate Billing - The Referral Сommission column has been added to the list of invoices.
  • New macros support during the redirect to the Landing page: {affiliate_name}, {device_type}, {device_brand}, {device_model}, {device_os}, {browser}, {user_agent}, {connection_type}, {mobile_operator}, {geo_country_code}, {geo_country}, {geo_region}, {geo_city}, {ip}
  • New macros support for Affiliate Postback: {goal_name}, {goal_alias}
  • Advertiser Postback. Ability to change the conversion Amount relatively (amount=+0.1 or amount=-0.1)
  • Advertiser Postback. Now supports custom conversions statuses (approved_status=success&pending_status=processing;hold&rejected_status=decline&trash_status=trash;spam&conv_status=spam)
  • Lead Management. Ability to return the reply from advertiser to affiliate (lead status, autologin URL, etc)


  • IP storage and handling improvements (full GDPR and IPv6 support)
  • Improved Search functionality for the list of Affiliates, Advertisers, and Offers: now works for Contacts, Messengers, and Internal Information.
  • Export. IDs are now exported in separate columns.
  • Advertiser Postbacks. Support of POST method variables.
  • Extended the limit for the number of characters to 4 GB (in the HTML code field) in Creatives.
  • Disabled VAT changes for Affiliates in Billing Preferences.
  • Advertiser Security Token for the /change-conv method.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the search or filter did not work if it was not on the 1st page of the list of offers, affiliates, conversions, and others.
  • Fixed a bug when updating the tracking settings of an offer with an empty Cookies Lifetime field.
  • Fixed a bug where searching via ID in Affiliate Billing did not work.
  • Fixed a bug where the attachment could not be downloaded after editing the invoice.
  • Fixed a bug where no pagination was displayed on the referrals page under the affiliate role.
  • Fixed minor UI bugs.

API Changes

  • Change Conversion Details. Added modification of conversion by Click ID
  • Create a conversion. Added a new optional "timestamp" parameter for adding conversions and leads via the API. If this parameter is filled in, the conversion is added on the specified date in UTC format.
  • Create an Affiliate / Advertiser. The IP field has been added where you can pass the real IP of the user.
Changes in API Methods
  1. In the response, the data type for the Payout, Revenue and Profit parameters has changed from string to integer/float AND for the offer, affiliate, advertiser, goal, link, creative parameters. The data type for the following methods has changed from string to object:
    1. POST /api/v2/network/reports/conversions
    2. POST /api/v2/network/reports/clicks
    3. POST /api/v2/advertiser/reports/conversions
    4. POST /api/v2/advertiser/reports/clicks
    5. POST /api/v2/affiliate/reports/conversions
    6. POST /api/v2/affiliate/reports/clicks
  2. In the response, the message has changed from '... Options' to '... Columns' and the object with data were renamed from options-list to columns-list, for the following methods:
    1. GET /api/v2/network/reports/statistics/options
    2. GET /api/v2/advertiser/reports/statistics/options
    3. GET /api/v2/affiliate/reports/statistics/options
    4. GET /api/v2/network/reports/clicks/options
    5. GET /api/v2/advertiser/reports/clicks/options
    6. GET /api/v2/affiliate/reports/clicks/options
    7. GET /api/v2/network/reports/conversions/options
    8. GET /api/v2/advertiser/reports/conversions/options
    9. GET /api/v2/affiliate/reports/conversions/options
    10. GET /api/v2/network/reports/logs/advertisers-postbacks-options
    11. GET /api/v2/network/reports/logs/affiliates-postbacks-options
  3. In the response, the message has changed from 'Logs - Clicks - Options' to 'Logs - Invalid Clicks - Columns' and the object with data has been renamed from options-list to columns-list, for the following methods:
    1. GET /api/v2/network/reports/logs/clicks-options
  4. In the response, the message has been changed from 'Logs - Invalid Traffic' to 'Logs - Invalid Clicks' and the object with data has been renamed from rows to transactions, for the following methods:
    1. POST /api/v2/network/reports/logs
  5. For offer, affiliate, and goal parameters, the data type has changed from string to object for the following methods:
    1. POST api/v2/network/reports/logs/advertisers-postbacks
    2. POST /api/v2/network/reports/logs/affiliates-postbacks
    3. POST /api/v2/network/reports/logs
  6. In the response, for almost all metrics, the data type has changed from string to integer, and the selected breakdown is now not a "string", but an "object".
    1. POST /api/v2/network/reports/statistics
    2. POST /api/v2/affiliate/reports/statistics
  7. For the added_timestamp parameter, the data type has changed from integer to string for the following methods:
    1. POST /api/v2/network/activity-log
  8. In the response, the object was renamed from goal-list to goal for the following methods:
    1. POST /api/v2/network/offers/{:id}/goals
    2. PUT /api/v2/network/offers/{:id}/goals
  9. In the response, the object was renamed from goals to goal, for the following methods:
    1. GET /api/v2/network/offers/{:id}/goals/{:id}
  10. In the response, the object with data has been renamed from offer to details AND for status, advertiser, currency, and timezone parameters, the data type has changed from integer/string to object for the following methods:
    1. PUT /api/v2/network/offers/{:id}
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